With the image's help you can give a bit of life and color to a web page. Transforming an image into a link is not however hard. You just need to introduce the source of the image, inside of the img tag and then put it into a link tag. Simple as that.
html<a href="http://www.tutorialehtml.com/" title="This is an HTML liked image">
<img alt="alternative text for the liked image" src="/assets_tutorials/img/image.jpg" width="120" height="75" />
In some cases, by default some of the browsers adds a border to the image used as a link, for being easy to differentiate it from a normal image. So that you would not have problems with different viewing because of the browser, we can set the border to a defined value.
html<a href="http://www.tutorialehtml.com/" title="This is an HTML liked image">
<img alt="alternative text for the liked image"
style="border:5px solid #337AB7" />
The border attribute of <img> is not supported in HTML5. I included a CSS rule that you can use instead.
The thumbnails are versions in miniature (a lot less kB) of some images which in reality are bigger and with better quality. To make a thumbnail, save the image in poor quality and small dimensions. Then make this image a link that will lead to the initial image of a bigger dimension.
html<a href="/assets_tutorials/img/image.jpg" title="This is an HTML liked image">
<img alt="alternative text for the liked image" src="/assets_tutorials/img/image.jpg" width="66" height="49" />