The drop-down lists are one of the most practical types of lists. You probably already came across them all over the internet, but without knowing they had a fancy name like this.
html<select name="my_html_select_box">
<option>New York </option>
The browser will automatically show the first option. This thing can be changed with the help of the 'selected' attribute though.
html<select name="my_html_select_box">
<option>New York </option>
<option selected="yes">Bucharest</option>
We will use the size attribute to change a drop-down list to a selection form
html<select name="my_html_select_box" size="3">
<option>New York </option>
In the case in which the user wants to choose more than one of the options, we will make it easier with the help of the multiple attribute.
html<select name="my_html_select_box" multiple="yes" size="3">
<option>New York </option>
It is to be understood that this attribute will not work with a drop down list, and only whet the size attribute it is set.