There are three different ways of defining color. The easiest way is to name the color in English. For example: black, white, red, green and blue. I have put together the names of the color which are supported in HTML
Color | Hexa | Color | Hex | Color | Hex | Color | Hex |
aqua | #00FFFF | green | #008000 | navy | #000080 | silver | #C0C0C0 |
black | #000000 | gray | #808080 | olive | #808000 | teal | #008080 |
blue | #0000FF | lime | #00FF00 | purple | #800080 | white | #FFFFFF |
fuchsia | #FF00FF | maroon | #800000 | red | #FF0000 | yellow | #FFFF00 |
This color code is not recommended because Internet Explorer is the only browser that supports RGB values in HTML.
RGB is a shortcut from Red, Green, Blue. Every single color of these can take any value between 0 (which doesn't matter) and 255 (the full proprieties of that color). I have put together the way of how you write RGB colors. If you use a browser that is not Internet Explorer you will have no result.
bgcolor="rgb(255,255,255)" | White |
bgcolor="rgb(255,0,0)" | Red |
bgcolor="rgb(0,255,0)" | Green |
bgcolor="rgb(0,0,255)" | Blue |
The hexadecimal system is pretty hard at first look but with all this, we assure you that once the time passing, and with a bit of practice, you will understand it fully. The hexadecimal color system is the standard system for all web browsers. Is confident and compatible not only in web applications.
The hexadecimal system is a representation of 6 color characters. The first two characters (RR) represent the red value, and the next two (GG) are green, and the last two (BB) are blue.
The next table shows , more precisely, how the letters are integrated in the hexadecimal system, making the combination possibilities bigger.
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | A | B | C | D | E | F |
In this way the possibilities are bigger and the system can have 16 values.
An example of hexadecimal code would be:
The "F" letter is the maximum value that the system can take. When a browser sees this code it will show the white color. In case you want to find out the numerical value of this color we have the next formula:
html(15 * 16) + (15) = 255
The formula is very simple. We take the first value of the "F" or 15 and we multiply it by 16 and we add to the second value 15. The result is 255, the maximum value whom a primary color can have.
CC(RR - Red)
(12 * 16) + (12) = 204
70(GG - Green)
(7 * 16) + (0) = 112
05(BB - Blue)
(0 * 16) + (5) = 5
The hexadecimal system is very used for creating pages. This is compatible with the majority of the browsers, in this way the displayed colors for a web page will not be changed. As an assurance, use the colors true colors like :"#0011EE", "#44HHFF", or "#117788". This type of colors will not be changed in a browser.
Here we have a list of the true colors
*000 | 300 | 600 | 900 | C00 | *F00 |
*003 | 303 | 603 | 903 | C03 | *F03 |
006 | 306 | 606 | 906 | C06 | F06 |
009 | 309 | 609 | 909 | C09 | F09 |
00C | 30C | 60C | 90C | C0C | F0C |
*00F | 30F | 60F | 90F | C0F | *F0F |
030 | 330 | 630 | 930 | C30 | F30 |
033 | 333 | 633 | 933 | C33 | F33 |
036 | 336 | 636 | 936 | C36 | F36 |
039 | 339 | 639 | 939 | C39 | F39 |
03C | 33C | 63C | 93C | C3C | F3C |
03F | 33F | 63F | 93F | C3F | F3F |
060 | 360 | 660 | 960 | C60 | F60 |
063 | 363 | 663 | 963 | C63 | F63 |
066 | 366 | 666 | 966 | C66 | F66 |
069 | 369 | 669 | 969 | C69 | F69 |
06C | 36C | 66C | 96C | C6C | F6C |
06F | 36F | 66F | 96F | C6F | F6F |
090 | 390 | 690 | 990 | C90 | F90 |
093 | 393 | 693 | 993 | C93 | F93 |
096 | 396 | 696 | 996 | C96 | F96 |
099 | 399 | 699 | 999 | C99 | F99 |
09C | 39C | 69C | 99C | C9C | F9C |
09F | 39F | 69F | 99F | C9F | F9F |
0C0 | 3C0 | 6C0 | 9C0 | CC0 | FC0 |
0C3 | 3C3 | 6C3 | 9C3 | CC3 | FC3 |
0C6 | 3C6 | 6C6 | 9C6 | CC6 | FC6 |
0C9 | 3C9 | 6C9 | 9C9 | CC9 | FC9 |
0CC | 3CC | 6CC | 9CC | CCC | FCC |
0CF | 3CF | 6CF | 9CF | CCF | FCF |
*0F0 | 3F0 | *6F0 | 9F0 | CF0 | *FF0 |
0F3 | *3F3 | *6F3 | 9F3 | CF3 | *FF3 |
*0F6 | *3F6 | 6F6 | 9F6 | *CF6 | *FF6 |
0F9 | 3F9 | 6F9 | 9F9 | CF9 | FF9 |
*0FC | *3FC | 6FC | 9FC | CFC | FFC |
*0FF | *3FF | *6FF | 9FF | CFF | *FFF |
We recommend to stick to these 216 "web-safe". However, 8-bit color displays were much more common when the 216-color palette was developed than they are now. Anyway, it has been discovered that only 22 of the 216 colors in the web-safe palette are reliably displayed without inconsistent remapping on 16-bit computer displays.
We attached here a table with these 22 really safe colors:
*000 | *F00 |
*003 | *F03 |
*00F | *F0F |
*FF0 | *FF3 |
*CF6 | *FF6 |
*0F0 | *6F0 |
*3F3 | *6F3 |
*0F6 | *3F6 |
*0FC | *3FC |
*0FF | *3FF |
*6FF | *FFF |