In HTML we have two types of lists:
The CSS list attribute allows you to customize the HTML list style and then use an image for the bullet mark. Here is a practical example that uses list style type:
CSSul { list-style-type:disc; }
ol { list-style-type:upper-roman; }
To use an image as a list element bullet you will have to do the following:
CSSul { list-style-image:url("my_image.png"); }
Placing an image like this doesn't have same behavior in all browser. For example, Internet Explorer and Opera will show the image slightly upper than Firefox and Chrome.
There is a workaround for this and that is to use the image as background:
CSSul {
li {
background-position:0px 5px;
CSSul.inside { list-style-position:inside }
ul.outside { list-style-position:outside }
The default value for aligning a list is outside. The inside value will push the list to the right.
CSSlist-style:none inside url(arrow.gif);
The order is as follows list-style: list-style-type list-style-position list-style-image
Just maintain the above order and you should be fine.